Monday 6 October 2014

October Book Review: 'Drawing for Fashion Designers' by Angel Fernandez and Martin Roig

This isn’t your typical Learn To Draw book, but more a guide to putting together a design portfolio. And the authors do a great job, acknowledging that every designer’s style is different, and therefor no strict format that should be followed as to show to present one’s work. While I was studying at the London College of Style, my tutors encouraged that professionals prefer seeing the end result of a design rather than the research, the many sketches and mood boards, but some people seek the path of thought that goes into that final product.
The book, true to its title, goes offer some great tips for fashion drawing, not just some tips on life drawing. My technical fashion drawing-fabric folds, draping and more, has vastly improved. Fernandez and Roig also highlight how drawings don’t need pencil and paint, but present the possibility of collage and such to illustrate a design. 
And again, this book doesn’t simply offer drawing tips, but also great insight for fashion design, such as a glossary of fashion terms. 
So not technically a craft book, but a great insight for upcoming designers, students and professionals, for several options in how to best present your creative work in the industry. 

Overall Score: 5/5 (excellent layout and content)